By default, Upstash will apply usage limits based on your current plan. When you reach these limits, behavior depends on the specific limit type - bandwidth limits will stop your traffic, while storage limits will reject new write operations. However, Upstash offers an Auto Upgrade feature that automatically upgrades your database to the next higher plan when you reach your usage limits, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Auto Upgrade is particularly useful for applications with fluctuating or growing workloads, as it prevents service disruptions during high-traffic periods or when your data storage needs expand beyond your current plan. This feature allows your database to automatically scale with your application’s demands without requiring manual intervention.

How Auto Upgrade Works

When enabled:

  • For bandwidth limits: Instead of stopping your traffic when you reach the bandwidth limit, your database will automatically upgrade to the next plan to accommodate the increased traffic.
  • For storage limits: Instead of rejecting write operations when you reach maximum data size, your database will upgrade to a plan with larger storage capacity.

Managing Auto Upgrade

  • You can enable Auto Upgrade by checking the Auto Upgrade checkbox while creating a new database:

  • Or for an existing database by clicking Enable in the Configuration/Auto Upgrade box in the database details page: